• Environmental Style Now

  • 著者: Holding Court
  • ポッドキャスト

Environmental Style Now

著者: Holding Court
  • サマリー

  • The A-Z of Environmental Style. With expert guests on all that is sustainable fashion. Hosted by award winning eco fashion author and designer Courtney Barriger.

    This podcast is brought to you by Holding Court Inc

    © 2025 Environmental Style Now
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The A-Z of Environmental Style. With expert guests on all that is sustainable fashion. Hosted by award winning eco fashion author and designer Courtney Barriger.

This podcast is brought to you by Holding Court Inc

© 2025 Environmental Style Now
  • The What, Why and How-to of Natural Dyes with Julie Wojtkiewicz

    On this episode of E.S.Now I have special guest Julie Wojtkiewicz who is going to take us on a journey of the what, why and how-to of natural dyes. Julie is a textile dyer & co founder of Inseparable, a toxic free & healthy fashion brand using entirely natural dyes to colour clothes. She is going to tell us the pros & cons of dying fabrics yourself, and walk us through how to do it. Made locally in Kent in the UK, her brand was created with the desire to bring timeless, versatile and feminine pieces to live and dance in, in all adventures. You can find her brand at shopinseperable.com

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    39 分
  • Cutting through the noise when you do your own eco fashion marketing with Alison Knott

    On this episode of E.S.Now I’m with Alison Knott, a digital marketing extraordinaire who specializes in sustainable businesses, who is here to share with you how to stand out in the digital space.

    Alison K raises web and digital marketing literacy for founders and teams putting good into the world. Her delivery is humourous and her energy contagious. No one has time for boring jargon!

    Her passion is the intersection of the web, creativity, and business. Topics include: SEO, email marketing, website ownership and brand authority.


    Wuxley https://wuxly.com/

    Deborah: https://globalmeasure.org/

    Article about Chat GTP water usage: https://gizmodo.com/chatgpt-ai-water-185000-gallons-training-nuclear-1850324249

    My website: https://alisonkconsulting.com/resources/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alisonknott/

    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/alisonkconsults/

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  • Certified Sustainable. How to get there with Deborah King of Global Measure

    Environmental Style Now Episode 26.

    In preparation for the upcoming new year, we are switching tracks for a season to deliver how-to’s for up-and-coming new business owners who want to break into the eco fashion world. Each episode will discuss something new and fun for business owners to sink their teeth into. And for those of you who aren’t in the biz, believe me, you will still learn a lot about the sustainable fashion movement.

    On this episode of E.S.Now, we are jumping this off by meeting with Deborah King, founder and CEO of Global Measure. Deborah wants to help your eco fashion brand gain important certifications for your hard earned sustainable practices. Learn exactly what that involves in this episode dedicated to emerging eco fashion labels.

    Find out more about her social enterprise on her website


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    35 分

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