In this captivating episode of Ashes to Glory, Sarah Darlington takes center stage, her voice a beacon of hope amidst life's trials. With her son Eoghan O Callaghan at the organ, they deliver a stirring performance that echoes the transformative power of faith.
As Sarah pours her heart into each note, the lyrics resound: "No matter what we are going through in life, Jesus' touch can bring us back to life." It's a reminder of the strength found in belief, a message that reverberates through the hearts of all who listen. Sarah also shares a special hymn, blending the ancient tongues of Irish Gaelic and Latin. Accompanied by her son Eoghan O Callaghan from St. Mary’s Parish, Sarah sings Deus Meus Adiuva Me, an Irish Gaelic and Latin hymn sung across churches in Ireland during the Lenten season.