In this week’s episode, Dr. Heather sits with Tracie Collins, the President of the National Black Doula Association, a company that helps fight the Black Maternal Mortality rate in America. Tracie and Dr. Heather discuss what it means to be a doula, the experience of having a doula, and share some funny stories. In this episode you’ll learn: • What advocacy entails for a doula • What role a doula plays during pregnancy and labor • The importance of advocating for your body and asking questions Find Tracie’s work: www.blackdoulas.org IG: nationalblackdoulas Dr. Heather's Upcoming Event: https://thegreenroom42.venuetix.com/show/details/rz5LEfGvwytIaftPT4bY/1641868200000 Dr. Heather's Social Media: IG: @advisorycervixpod IG: @drheatherirobundamd Tik Tok: drheatherirobundamd Website: www.irobundamd.com Make sure to shop at Dr. Heather's store: https://dr-heathers-merch-store.myshopify.com