On this episode we are joined by Maeve Callan Chair of the Religion Department, Director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program, Co-Director of the Interfaith Fellows Program and Professor of Religion at Simpson College in Iowa, and author of The Templars, the Witch, and the Wild Irish, to discuss the sure to be uncontroversial topic of four Irish Saints who were said to have miraculously ended unwanted pregnancies. We also explore the history of the Catholic Church's stance on abortion and finally talk about our co-host Christian O'Toole's very distant relative Saint Lawrence O'Toole.
You can read Maeve Callan's article that kicked off this whole kerfuffle here: https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/saints-once-did-abortions-it-was-a-lesser-sin-than-oral-sex-1.3466881
And you can find Maeve's book on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Templars-Witch-Wild-Irish-Vengeance/dp/1501713566
You can also read more about the Church's historical positions on abortion in Molly Monk's article for The Outline.com: https://theoutline.com/post/8536/catholic-history-abortion-brigid
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