Welcome to this week's episode where we are talking all about baptism! We discuss how and why Jesus got baptized (which also gives us a glimpse of the trinity), what baptism means, how different denominations handle baptism, and discuss infant baptism. We are going deep! I also discuss why I chose to get baptized as an adult after being baptized as a baby. I hope you enjoy the episode!
- https://christian.net/theology-and-spirituality/what-are-the-protestant-beliefs-on-baptism/
- https://thetruthsource.org/christian-denominations-what-they-believe-part-2-water-baptism/
- https://bible.org/seriespage/lesson-7-who-jesus-john-129-34
- https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/kevin-deyoung/a-brief-defense-of-infant-baptism/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Reformed/comments/hnr56o/the_covenant_argument_for_infant_baptism_is/