Daily Update of tasks and things we learn along the way to building wealth and wisdom. Life of a CEO style podcast before we make it big. Cliff Notes: Listening to some key points that hits hard. "Be a sponge" "Champions start acting like champions before they become it" "You can't change the people around you but you can change the people around you" "It's not a measure of skill or intelligence, it's a measure of effort" "The importance of clear thinking, being easy to understand and easy to interface with" "Clarity propels an organization" "Narrow your focus to your most important dreams" "If its important to you, you will make time" (When hiring or in regards to people on your team) "An empty seat is less damaging than a poor fit" "It's nearly impossible to overpay for talent" "Hiring the second best can cost millions" "If you give a good ideal to a mediocre team, they will screw it up. If you give a mediocre ideal to a good team, they will fix it and make it better" "Every company is a technology company" "Problems are assets and should be something to run towards" "Relations run the world and your reputation is everything"