What does love really mean to you? Is it the romantic feeling you get when you're with that special someone, or is it something more? In this video, we dive into the true definition of love, and it may not be what you thought it was. We're joined by special guest Dylan Rodriguez as we explore the concept of love and how it's often misunderstood. Many of us have a void in our hearts, searching for love and fulfillment in all the wrong places. We make other people our gods, expecting them to fill the emptiness, but it's a conditional love that always falls short. The Bible has a lot to say about love, especially in Corinthians, where we learn that God is love. So, what does it mean to truly love, and how can we experience it in our lives? Join us as we go back to the Bible to find the definition of love, and discover how it can transform our relationships and our lives. It's time to challenge our understanding of love and find the true fulfillment we've been searching for. 700 36th St SE, Suite 108, Grand Rapids, Mi 49548 (616) 726-5400 Web: SetFreeMin.org Facebook: facebook.com/setfreeusa Donate at: https://www.setfreemin.org/give Email: info@setfreeusa.org