Today I got to chat with a special guest, Mel, who is the founder and creator of one of my favorite food blogs: https://www.melskitchencafe.com/.
We covered A LOT in our short time together. Like, how to make dinnertime a little more meaningful; how to get your child involved in packing their school lunch; how to get your child in the kitchen more often; and an easy way to menu plan.
I hope you will listen all the way to the end because I know that something we talk about will help you with your colossal task of taking care of your family. And who doesn't need a little dinnertime inspiration sometimes, right?
Do you have questions or concerns about your child? Let me be your mom coach, if even for just 30 minutes. You might be surprised how much we can figure out for you and your family in just 30 minutes. I would love to talk to you! Sign up for a 30-minute FREE coaching call with The Mommy Whisperer.
Go to https://the-mommywhisperer.com/
AND if you want to learn how you can help change your teenager’s high school experience and future, come to my Free Workshop: How to help your high school student earn college credits without changing schools or adding hours to their day. This is information all parents need to know!
You can also access the workshop from my website. https://the-mommywhisperer.com/