When everything around you feels uncertain, the best thing you can do is find certainty within yourself. Easier said than done? In this episode, we discuss how we handled the collective unknown of the COVID-19 pandemic and how that experience differs from our individual journeys navigating unemployment. We ask ourselves challenging questions to make the most of uncertainty, constantly remind ourselves to be present, get outside, and invest time in others to find meaning within ourselves. Oh, and this is the one where Karen starts a new job.
Recorded on July 24, 2024
Credit where it’s due:
- Carter, Christine, PhD. (2020, October 21). 7 Strategies to Help You Live with Uncertainty. TED. https://ideas.ted.com/7-strategies-to-help-you-live-with-uncertainty/
- Ram Dass. (1971). Be Here Now. Crown Publishing Group.
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Disclaimer: the opinions expressed on this podcast are our own and not representative of any organization or employer.