This week Scott and Jef come on talking about if they have any regrets regarding their top 10 from the previous weeks top ten list
In the news, Collect Major shows off their new pre order for the month of January. And their pre order figures include Rick the Model Martel, Missy Hyatt, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Zombie announces as well a new Kevin Sullivan Retro style figure
In the nostalgia segment the boys discuss wrestlers getting figures from other toy makers from comics or TV shows they appeared in.
Pre Orders:
Big Rubber Guys - Earl Hebner
Tully Blanchard.
Arn Anderson
Missy Hyatt
Rick the model Martel
Fig Collections - The patriot Buff Bagwell
Zombie Sailor - Series 5 Ric Flair Tajiri Mike Awesome Bad News Allen
KWK Shopkwk.com use code Fullyposeable to get 10 percent off your order
Thank you to everyone for keeping this show going!