On this episode of Happily Together, we sat down with Kristy Scher and talked about all things attunement.
Kristy began her career as a perinatal and neonatal nurse. In her work with mothers and babies, Kristy realized she had a gift for nurturing attunement in new parents — the kind of loving, responsive presence with oneself that enables healthy, nurturing attachment and connection with another.
Kristy witnessed this in women again and again: when our need for attunement and nurturing is met, profound emotional and spiritual growth can happen organically. And that we learn this kind of attunement in attuned-relationship with others.
Cultivating our capacity for exquisite self-attunement became the foundation of Kristy’s work. She believes self-attunement, self-nurturing, and self-love feed a woman — and a full woman feeds the world.
In addition to working 1-on-1 with women and couples, Kristy writes and teaches about intimacy, relationships, and the spiritual path of motherhood.
Read more of her work and connect with her at https://www.facebook.com/kristy.z.scher, https://www.instagram.com/fullfedwoman/, and subscribe to her free substack https://kristyscher.substack.com.