Robert discusses different people throughout history that have taught on the Holy Sirit.
Extra Notes:
- Tertullian of Carthage’s (AD 155-220) letter Against Praxeas can be found here: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0317.htm.
- Augustine’s (AD 354-430) work on the Trinity can be found here: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1301.htm. Be advised that it isn’t easy reading! The sections on the psychological analogy can be found in Book 9.
- John of Damascus' (AD 675-749) On the Orthodox Faith can be found here: https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3304.htm. His fire and sun analogies can be found in Book 1, chapter 8.
- Peter Lombard’s (1096-1160) Sentences are unavailable online currently, but an outline of the first volume on the Trinity can be found here: https://franciscan-archive.org/lombardus/I-Sent.html. You can also purchase two pages of an 13th century copy of it from Christie’s for about $6,000 here if you are so inclined: https://www.christies.com/en/lot/lot-6217487. Or you can just use their digital viewer…!