In November 2022, the Oromo nation lost a legendary and iconic artist, Ali Birra. Throughout a career that spanned six decades, Ali Birra's music inspired, comforted, and brought joy to generations of Oromo people; both at home and abroad. This very special episode is the first part in a series dedicated to Ali Birra, in which we speak with Oromo people from across the world about Ali Birra’s legacy, and the impact he has had on the renaissance of Oromo music and culture, as well as the cultivation of Oromo nationhood and national pride. We had the privilege of speaking with renowned scholar and lifelong friend of Ali Birra, Professor Mohammed Hassen, who shared a detailed, contextual, and intimate story of his life. This rich account of Ali Birra’s journey is intertwined with some of his marvellous songs, which you can find listed below. Listen and let us know what you think, you can reach us on our Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, @TeamFreeOromia.
Intro/outro song - Nagatti Si Jedha
Song 1 - Birraa Dha Barihe
Song 2 - Maal Ja'ani
Song 3 - Awash (1973)
Song 4 - Oromiyaa Biyya Abbaa Kooti
Song 5 - Afaan Oromo
Song 6 - Bareeda Uumaa
Song 7 - Falmi Mirga Keetif