Why do we fall for the same tricks over and over?
The Yetzer Hara isn’t just a challenge—it’s a master illusionist, turning falsehoods into irresistible temptations. Why does it seem to have the upper hand so often? And how can we break free from its relentless cycle? In this episode, Rabbi Klapper uncovers the psychological and spiritual mechanisms behind the Yetzer Hara's tactics, showing how it exploits both our strengths and vulnerabilities.
Through vivid stories, halachic insights, and powerful examples from Chazal, this episode dives deep into the Yetzer Hara’s deceptive strategies. Learn how Hollywood’s illusions and societal pressures feed into its power and how Torah-based sensitivity can help dismantle its grip. With practical advice and profound wisdom, Rabbi Klapper offers listeners the tools to identify the Yetzer Hara’s lies, confront its influence, and find lasting spiritual strength. Discover how seeing through the illusion can transform the battle into a path of growth and kedusha.
Hosted by Rabbi Ari Klapper and produced by Eli Podcast Productions, this episode is part of the Real Judaism series, available on RealJudaism.org. Don't forget to subscribe and share to stay connected with our daily lessons and timeless Torah insights!