HaplessLuckett, GuymanBroDawg, and Jake discuss upcoming Moon Knight series on Disney Plus, why people love Dark Souls games, and of course The Batman. LOTS of The Batman. Who was your favorite Batman? You can also listen to our podcast here: https://www.spreaker.com/show/nerdwerd You can listen to us on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon, and iHeart Radio. FOLLOW US HaplessLuckett: https://facebook.com/haplessluckett https://instagram.com/haplessluckett twitch.tv/haplessluckett Guymanbrodawg https://facebook.com/guymanbrodawg https://instagram.com/guymanbrodawg Fireball https://facebook.com/hairlinerunning https://instagram.com/fireballphillips #NerdWerd #Podcast #VideoGameMovies #VideoGames #Movies #Comics #MoonKnight #TheBatman #DarkSouls #EldenRing