On this episode Jason and Taylor lift weights while they talk about fake incels, Jason has a gym accident, Jason is a pervert, Taylor doesn't do pull ups right, Vampire Methods Tap-In, Barbie memes, a beautiful character from Fallout, cancelling Ron DeSantis, Jason loves Rosemary's Baby, Steve-O's next big stunt, Jason goes on a schizophrenic rant (The Seed of Life, Sacred Geometry, Free Masons, the Generative Principal, the Cremation of Care, Bohemian Grove, vampires are real, Druids, the worship of Saturn, Kronos, Saturn’s Cube, the Storm of Saturn, The Eye of Horus), Bi-Polarity/Schizophrenia/Parkinson's, The Black Eye club, Lyme's Disease, Travis Scott's new album, Mussolini, Brenden Schaub, The Golden Hour, The Cat and the Hat and Men in Black, the Cyber Truck, Andrew Tate vs. Zherka, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is a jerk.
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