Discussing the topics of:
World Issues -(World Topics and Issues)
- Recap of the 2020 Pettytenial Debate
- Trump did not denounce White Supremacy groups
- Vote / Get Register and Take you ass out and Vote
Social Issue -(Issues that effect the community)
- Trump didn’t denounce “ Register for gun license, purchase some guns and train”
- POC creating more political parties
Bullshit Topics -(Trending topics from Instagram, Twitter & Youtube)
- Trump and Melania got that Rona
Recommendations -( Personal recommendations of things I like or think cool)
- The 3 Bearded Kings Podcast / https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-3-bearded-kings-podcast/id1460025052
- HollowKillua YouTube Channel / HollowKillua
- Stop The Madness with Calie Rae / https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stop-the-madness/id1505043383
- Conan Hercules-Black Flower Project | Beats by CONAN / https://music.apple.com/py/album/black-flower-project/1515565642
Celebrating Black Men & Woman Success / Black Business
- P.I.T (Put It Together Company) / Wanya L Smith (Beds, Dressers, TV Mounting, Appliance Mounting & Moving Services) /
- I AM NATURAL CARE / Jasmine Youngblood /