Discussing the topics of:
World Issues -(World Topics and Issues)
- Trump Supporters Patriots or Traitors
- Will Biden Inauguration lead to more chaos
Social Issue -(Issues that effect the community)
- With two weeks left, will we see an uptick in white supremacy activity in the US?
Bullshit Topics -(Trending topics from Instagram, Twitter & Youtube)
- SoHo Karen assaulting black teen Miya Ponsetto
- All the Trump supporters facing Federal charges
Recommendations -( Personal recommendations of things I like or think cool)
- The 3 Bearded Kings Podcast
- HollowKillua YouTube Channel / HollowKillua
- Soul Disney +
- Crying Freeman & Mad Bull 34
Celebrating Black Men & Woman Success / Black Business
- P.I.T (Put It Together Company) / Wanya L Smith (Beds, Dressers, TV Mounting, Appliance Mounting & Moving Services) /
- I AM NATURAL CARE / Jasmine Youngblood /