Before becoming a mom, Tia's job was basically her whole identity. She lived to work! Then suddenly, she was thrust into motherhood– postpartum motherhood and it was like staring into the abyss.
She remembers one day sitting in her car after picking up her son’s birth certificate, and she felt this strong desire to run away rather than run home. She hadn’t felt that immediate connection to her son. Instead, she felt like she’d just been dropped onto an alien planet without a map.
While she was terrified to share these thoughts with someone else, she also knew she needed help. So she hired a coach who specialized in somatics to guide her through this daunting time in her life and that’s when everything changed.
She felt empowered to head out for Saturday morning runs, get back into baking and schedule dinners out with her BFF– without a second thought. She began to ask for and actually receive the support she needed. The fire between her husband and her started burning brighter than ever. She began having so much fun with her son and realized that she is so much more than just a mom.
But most importantly, the way she felt inside shifted dramatically. She went from feeling like a cog in the wheel of her own life, to feeling like a whole person. Grounded, vibrant, happy and fulfilled.
She wants this for you too.
Where to find Tia:
instagram: @soulsparksomatics @tiakfisher
website: www.soulsparksomatics.com
This quick episode can be done sitting up or lying down.
If you are new to this podcast or breathwork, you may find it helpful to listen to episode 1 first.
Please consult your doctor before trying breathwork if you have any known health issues or are pregnant. Please do not do breathwork while in water, operating a vehicle or other heavy machinery.