Sonia C. and Sonia T. are kicking off 2025 together! The new year is here and it’s time to create a whole new reality. Sonia C. is feeling called to focus on her bigger intentions and creations this year, and Sonia T. is committed to getting clarity about her intentions. She’s nearing the end of her 7-year cycle of exploring and is moving toward a season of rooting. 2025 is all about being intentional with the things we’re saying yes to. This week’s theme is: Discover your intentions and remove any resistance to your success. Highlights: Moment-to-moment creations versus intentional creations. [1:20] Travel less, nurture community more. [3:20] When your intuition tells you it’s time to recommit to your body, listen! [6:15] Why does the mind resist taking care of the body? [8:02] Tips for tricking your subconscious into being more active. [9:35] Building trust starts with making promises that I can follow through on. [12:02] Identify your resistance, then adjust so you can enjoy success. [15:45] Just show up! That’s the first step to success in anything. [18:20] Be careful not to set too many intentions at once – this is the time to focus. [23:24] Don’t give your power away – Sonia T.’s intentions are focused and grounding. [27:45] Listener! Share your intentions at itsallrelatedpodcastquestions@gmail.com [32:06] Sonia C.’s intentions are motivating and filled with movement. [32:50] Tool of the Week: Set your intentions and use your intuition to remove resistance. [34:06] Question of the Week: How do I listen to my intuition and follow my dream when my family doesn't support it? [37:29] New year, new you! Turning the calendar over can be inspiring and overwhelming at the same time. Sonia C. and Sonia T. are ready to explore the possibilities of the new year while also being realistic about the changes that will truly nurture their spirits. From travel and creative endeavors to exercising or writing a book, the new year is a perfect time to tune into yourself and discover what is coming next for you! We’ve all tried and failed to set goals, make wishes, and dream about aspirations, but this is the year to consider your true intentions. When you truly know what your spirit is craving, there is no resistance and you can make things happen. Now is the time to name it and claim it! Set your intentions, write them down, and be true to yourself. Scan your mind and body for any resistance, determine if you can overcome it, and then use your intuition to get to the root of your resistance to get rid of it! Tool of the Week: Set your intentions and use your intuition to remove resistance. Question of the Week: How do I listen to my intuition and follow my dream when my family doesn't support it? Continue on Your Journey: Get Sonia Choquette's New Book Read Life ACCURATELY: https://amzn.to/40JQzuv More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram Read Life Accurately: Recognize and Respond to What's Really Happening – A New Book by Sonia Choquette Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book Trust Your Vibes Guided Journal True Balance book by Sonia C. More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com Book a Reading with Sonia Tully Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully - update link to https://bit.ly/3BGktFL Free Spiritual Toolkit and Meditation Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing Share with us your questions and vibe stories at itsallrelatedpodcastquestions@gmail.com and vibecheck@soniatully.com