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Torah Portion:
פָּרָּ שַׁ ת שְׁ מו ת
Genesis Exodus 1:1-6:1
Isaiah 27:6-28:13
Matthew 2:1-12
Exodus 1:1 And these are the names of the sons of Israel who
are coming into Egypt with Jacob, a man and his household have
they come.
Psalm 68:4 Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him
that rideth upon the heavens by his name: Yah יה
Revelation 19:1,2 After this I heard what seemed to be the loud
voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out, Hallelujah!
Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for his
judgments are true and just, for he has judged the great prostitute
who corrupted the earth with her immorality, and has avenged on
her the blood of his servants.
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