We're going back to the middle school age with this story! What happens when you excel in math class? You guessed it, your teacher will ask to help grade papers. In this particular instance, some students had "notable" disagreement with the way their math quiz was graded wrong. They thought that it was out of spite because I didn't like them (which was partially true, but I graded according to how the teacher wanted it). They felt so type of way about it. But, what did I do? Listen in to find out!
Julian's Archives is a comedic storytelling podcast that reflects on my life growing up in my hometown, Detroit, using the power of digital storytelling. Each week, we'll dive deep into a story and reflect on how life was back then and how I've grown up since then. Have a story that you want to share? Request to be a guest on my podcast, I'm more than welcome to listen to other people's stories. New episode every Saturday!
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