Yay, we made it! Matteo (El Temblo) is here with the last faction guide before The Lost Fleet!
And it's a sponsored episode! The sponsor is Magic Mind, for which you have a limited offer you can use now, that gets you up to 48% off your first subscription or 20% off one time purchases with code PAIAGROJECT20 at checkout. You can claim it at https://magicmind.com/paiagroject .
Itars are a complex faction, so check it out and tell me what you think - you can find me at the Gaia Project "Fight Club" Discord: https://discord.gg/TsNX9epNUp
0:00 - Introduction and what's up
3:45 - This episode is sponsored! Yay!!!
9:44 - Itars introduction
20:43 - Pi and Academy opening
26:50 - Itars and the map
28:46 - Final scorings (whatever)
34:32 - Basic tech tiles and technologies (who cares, you're getting all the tiles anyway)
52:18 - Advanced tech tiles (not much to say here)
57:30 - Round scoring bonuses (ditto)
1:02:00 - Round boosters
1:06:10 - Conclusions - quite a useless guide, huh?
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Feel free to write me at paiagroject@gmail.com