Corey and Deane talk about the idea of a web operations framework.
Then, Meghan Casey, content strategist and author of The Content Strategy Toolkit: Methods, Guidelines, and Templates for Getting Content Right, joins to talk about content governance and ongoing maintenance — how humans are nearly always the problem (but not the humans you might think), the things you can do to plan for post-launch content, and how to deromanticize the bit launch in favor of content maintenance.
The Web Project Guide (webproject.guide) podcast is sponsored by Blend Interactive, a web strategy, design, and development firm dedicated to guiding teams through complicated web and content problems, from content strategy and design to CMS implementation and support.
Show Notes:
- Meghan Casey (Do Better Content)
- The Content Strategy Toolkit: Methods, Guidelines, and Templates for Getting Content Right by Meghan Casey
- Managing Chaos, by Lisa Welchman
- A Project Guide to UX Design, by Russ Unger and Carolyn Chandler
- Designing content for headless, omnichannel, and personalisation — Session Series from Omnichannel X (Noz Urbina, Carrie Hane, Jeff Eaton, Cruce Saunders, Meghan Casey)
- “Talking to your boss (and grandboss) about content strategy” Amanda Costello, Confab