Join Michelle and Janine for more of a surface level overview of Tarot, Astrology, Numerology, and the Elements; from history to present day and the current statistics revolving around these spiritual industries. (Because, let's face it, anything can--and will be monetized these days--especially in the good old U S of A). Not surprisingly, Millennials and Gen Z are taking the lead on making Tarot and Astrology even more trendy and mainstream today and the industry is expected to double in volume in the next decade. Not to mention that the pandemic really set things into motion as people were experiencing great change, isolation, and times of uncertainty. Nothing like good old fashioned worldwide chaos to bring humans closer to their spiritual roots, in whatever capacity that means to them. Tarot and Astrology are both spiritual practices that aren't based on gender and are more inclusive than other more traditional religions. All spiritual practices have a form of ritual to them and Tarot and Astrology are no different. We acknowledge that not everyone will be as open minded to this conversation as others and that is perfectly okay. We respect your views and opinions and invite you to come along a mystical journey as Michelle and Janine begin the explore the depths of the universe. 🎴 ✌️ 💖 💫
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@timepassagesapp @costarastrology
Reed, T. (2016) The Tarot Coloring Book. Boulder, CO: Sounds True.