Episode 247 of The Independent Characters witnesses the return of Josh to the show! We continue to have Campbell from the 40kBadcast as our adopted Podcast Partner while Dan is on Paternity leave! (Congrats Dan by the way!)
In this episode Carl, Campbell, and Josh discuss the benefits and drawbacks of two different styles of lists. On one hand, there are those who never, or rarely change anything in their list. While on the other hand, you have those who enjoy changing up their lists every game.
We will go into the pros and cons of each option, and maybe a few ideas on how you might want to adjust your approach.
And yes, that is still new intro music you are hearing at the beginning of the episode. We are going to stick with it for awhile, at least as long as Campbell is guest starring on the show, and see how you folks adapt to it! Be sure to let us know your feedback!
This episode will drop on November 15th.
Time Stamps:
- 0:00:00 - Show Intro and Elite Choice, Workbench, and Hobby Progress
- 1:05:00 - Fixed Lists and List Fixers
- 2:13:00 - Final Discussion and Show Closing
Relevant Links:
- The Independent Characters Patreon
- Tablewar! - SPONSOR
- Herrick Games & Hobbies - SPONSOR
- The 40k Badcast
- Tablewar Charities
- Goonhammer Trench Crusade Interview
- Hawaii 'War on the Shore' Charity GT 2025
- Games Workshop
- The Black Library