Just when the price of groceries and gas and essentials of life began to take our breath away, then came the devastating storms of Helene. Add to that many are saying, "Make sure you have months of food on hand and are able to survive if there is a crisis." Moments like these can leave your head spinning and your heart grasping for what feels like safety. Often, it is in times of threat we hold onto things tighter. I know many of you have given extravagantly to victims of Hurricane Helene even if things at home have been tight for you. My prayer is, that even if things get tighter or harder still, our hands will stay perpetually open. Everything we have, including our resources, have been given to us to steward. They are not ours. And giving is ultimately a reflection of our heart and where our trust lies. May this previous musing encourage you today to keep your heart and your hands open I pray.