On March 22, Kristie Evans called 911 just after 1 a.m. to report that an intruder had entered her home and shot her husband. When officers arrived, they found 50-year-old David Evans with a gunshot wound. He died at the scene. David had been shot to death while he lay in bed at home Links: Oklahomacide@gmail.com - Contact us or request a case! http://buymeacoffee.com/oklahomacide https://bit.ly/EtsyOklahomacide https://bit.ly/SpotfiyOklahomacide https://bit.ly/AppleOklahomacide http://twitter.com/oklahomacidepod https://twitter.com/deadeyespod http://facebook.com/oklahomacide http://instagram.com/oklahomacidepod https://linktr.ee/oklahomacidepod References After Oklahoma pastor's murder, wife and alleged accomplice in love triangle arrested by Tim Stelloh with NBC News: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/after-oklahoma-pastor-s-murder-wife-alleged-accomplice-love-triangle-n1262284 His killing was described as a love triangle gone wrong. What happened seems much darker by Tim Stelloh with NBC News: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/his-killing-was-described-love-triangle-gone-wrong-what-happened-n1272997 Oklahoma Pastor's Wife and Their Alleged Lover Arrested for His Murder by Katie Campione with people.com: https://people.com/crime/pastors-wife-and-lover-arrested-for-his-murder/