Getting through the holidays. Part 1
What its like for restaurant employees during the holiday season. The toll it takes on us vs. our loved ones and the lower staff members. The sacrifice and demands this job requires is not for everyone. Expectations from family will be not be met. Invitations will not be sent out. Ad Nauseum. It's a lifestyle for the strong the determined, the disciplined. Apologies for cutting it short We had a little weather issue. This had to get cut way down. Follow us on socials Chef Mike @Cheflife_Mike @ChefLifeClothing Chef Eric @Chef.Hasse @antisocial_Chefsclub #cheflife #podcast #257365 #antisocialchefsclub #vice #cheflifeclothing #farmacy #la #ny #california #glensfalls #whatwedo #truecooks #insidethepressurecooker #cookmorebitchless