If you are anything like our host then you know the three s's (Single, saved, and sexy) can be a conversation piece all by themselves, especially among the saints. These three words together create conversations of conflict, disagreement, and identity being questioned. It amazes us that the word sexy offends some believers when there is a whole book on sex and David the man after GOD's own heart was described as a sexy man to the point that they made songs about his appearance and bravery. Join our hosts and special male guest as they talk about the woes of dating, trying to stay saved in a world that markets sex and sexual content, and being ok with be attractive in their anointing, call, and mantel. This is a conversation you don't want to miss. Don't forget to follow our community partner The Tree of Life Birth, Counseling, and Wellness Center, PLLC, they specialize in the total wellness of the process of womanhood and more. Also, don't forget to like, share, subscribe, and follow Jesus+Therapy, Sis on all social media and podcast platforms. Guess what? We have a website go check it out: https://jesustherapy-sis.onpodium.com