In a Tower of Babbling Japan first, Keith welcomes Ms. Chloe Clougher to the podcast.
An avid language learner who has studied Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, and now Japanese, Chloe shares her experiences from her international travel in China, Jordan, and in Japan.
She also discusses the two reasons why after barely a month on island, she has dedicated herself to learning as much Japanese as she can during her time in Okinawa.
Contact Chloe at:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cmclougher/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007613238232
Are you learning Japanese?
Are you within the military community?
Are you currently living in Okinawa, Japan?
Then you might eligible to be a guest on this podcast!
Visit the website to fill out the form if you are interested.
Website: https://tobhowtolearnjapanese.guide/
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