Below are 5 practical ways to achieve this - strong processes help us avoid distractions and increase focus ...
1/ Start with your 'not to do list'
One of the most impactful decisions we can make in any position of leadership is what we say "no" to. To become more efficient in your website management you need to make smart decisions about what you spend your time creating and posting. What actually needs doing? If it doesn't need doing, don't waste your time on it!
Use the attached template to prioritize your your work and decide what you will NOT do, before you get to work on what you will do.
2/ Remove what needs doing from your head
The action of writing down what needs doing removes the strain from your brain, clears your head and enables you to focus on doing the task at hand. We use Asana for every task we complete. If a task is not in Asana, or in any other task list, then it doesn't get done. By sticking to that principle we give ourselves permission to not think about a task that needs to be done until we need to get it done. It makes us more efficient and better at focusing on the task.
You could simply make a note of the 3 things you want to get done today. It doesn't have to be hi-tech or fancy, it just needs to work.
3/ Decide on clear, actionable steps
Think about the next step. This is especially helpful if you are facing a big project and you don't know when to start. Break down what needs doing into simple, clear, actionable steps. You will find yourself getting small tasks done, and over time they will accumulate into a significant impact.
4/ Prioritise
Here is a rule I try to follow: "Just because a problem is urgent doesn’t mean it’s important."
Of course, we need to deal with issues as they come up. There are things we can't ignore. As much as you're able, stick to the rule that important trumps urgent.
5/ Build momentum
We have talked about the flywheel before. The idea is that by consistently completing important, smaller tasks we build momentum that results in a much bigger impact. Keep out the distractions and focus on completing what needs doing to take small steps towards your goal. Do it consistently. Then, watch the results.