🎙⏰Rise & Shine!⏰🎙
Hey Saw-Bones Podcast Episode 42: "Life Coaches & Raw Emotions" featuring special guest Life Coaching with Allison Parr-Plasha is officially live on all platforms!
This episode has the power to reach anyone who takes the time to tune it. It can help you to reflect, refocus, and redefine your life! The impact Allison has had on my life, my family's life, and my businesses is immeasurable!
I encourage anyone who is on the fence about considering a life coach to give it a try. It is worth it. You are worth it!
👀Watch: https://youtu.be/zoc7FAplZWc
👂Listen: https://media.rss.com/heysawbones/feed.xml
📲Ascend: https://www.vieespritcoaching.com
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