My guest today is Rae Thomas, a licensed professional counselor specializing in eating disorders and body related distress. She has worked within the body image and eating disorder field for 8 years now at varying levels of care. Recovery from eating disorders, body image distress, and unhelpful learned narratives are her passions!”
Feelings Found bridges a gap in the mental health field by designing innovative tools that support recovery by adding tangibility to abstract clinical ideas. Rae serves as Chief Clinical Officer, where she takes her love of academic research and clinical expertise to inform the creation and application of each tool.Outside of Feelings Found, Rae is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado specializing in Eating Disorders, Weight Stigma, and Sexual Trauma. She utilizes Acceptance Commitment Therapy, Feminist Theory, and experiential techniques to help her clients heal their relationships with food, body, and themselves.
Rae Thomas Therapist https://www.raedoestherapy.com/
Feelings Found https://feelingsfound.com/
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