Season 6 winds down with the theme: Voiceless Music Radio: The Early Years and this season's finale!
For the last episode of this throwback season, we feature DJ Mainstream's radio debut 10 years ago! This episode features the early days of hosting with DJ Mainstream & DJ Mastermind, then known as The Kings Of X.
It features longtime friend, Voiceless Music Awards nominee and artist Siano.
This is episode #1 entitled "The Debut" of brought to you by on F.L.O. Empire Radio and VoicelessMusic.com aired on August 1, 2013,
Chillhop Music - Chillhop.com;
WVMR Network - @TheWVMRNetwork on social media;
Sueheidy new instrumental 'Triumph' - tinyurl.com/sueheidytriumph
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