The boys are back in town from there short sabbatical during the Holiday Season. This time they are accompanied by two of the MCU Bleedingedge guys Cyber and Jeff S. Tonight the five guys are discussing the late 90's comedy classic There's Something about Mary.
Joey tells us his love of Chris Elliot and what he thinks of his performance as Dom. While Tim kicks us off with a request to do our synopsis very much like Tucker the Snooty British Architect. Cyber lays down some great nuggets of information on what Cameron Diaz thought about the "hair gel" scene.
Jeff gives us the breakdown of when he first saw the film way back in 1998. The man was a player and got his groove on with his High school girlfriend back in the day. The guys also all agree on the pivotal moment in the movie where Ted looses his chance at romance with Mary.
Finally we get the final thoughts on if this film is worth taking time off your Death Clock and if this film is worth being in the 1001 Movies to watch before you die book.
Where to find Jeff S. aka TrueKnowledge
@themcusbleedingedgeWhere to find Cyber:
Email our show at Mamreviewpodcast@gmail.com
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