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Hey, everybody, Stefanie from this is my circus podcast. Just wanted to hop on right now and, let y'all know that today we did not release a episode. Our area was affected by the hurricanes. Thank goodness, not as bad as some places, but we, , did lose power for several days.
And at this point, we're just trying to catch up on, , regular work. And I was also blessed to have the flu while we were having the hurricane and no power. So, , between just Trying to feel better and catching up on work. We were not able to, , get together and get a, , episode recorded. So, that being said, , we do start off our spooky week next week.
, we are recording tomorrow. We're super excited about that. , We are going to be doing our ghost episode. So we're going to, , tell some of the ghost stories that our listeners have given us, , to share. They did want to stay anonymous. So we will not be providing names of those who submitted the stories, but they are some good stories, , of real life encounters of ghosts.
We are also going to be reviewing our spooky book, which is The Haunting of Blackwood House by Darcy Coates. So that's going to be a great review of that as well if you're into ghosts. Again, Tuesday we will be dropping that episode and I hope that you all forgive us for not dropping one today. We also wanted to send out our prayers to those areas that are severely affected by the hurricanes. , I can't imagine. The devastation, , that the families are going through right now. So we are sending out our thoughts and prayers to those areas.
And, , all of our best wishes,
You guys and we will talk to you next week.