Nazeeh is a young man from Niha, Lebanon living with epilepsy, and an inspirational advocate to many. A talented writer, orator, life coach, and leader, Nazeeh titled this episode, “Never Give Up”, as a testament to his resiliency as he faced the obstacles of stigma and discrimination that many living with epilepsy experience. Nazeeh wants to share the message to people living with epilepsy that they can accomplish their dreams, and have important and valuable gifts and talents that leave indelible impacts on the world. Segment Timestamps: Epilepsy Foundation New England Programming Segment (25:33-26:05): Hope the Lion New Hampshire Resource Share (26:15-28:00): Little Angels Service Dogs (littleangelsservicedogs.org) Massachusetts Resource Share (28:12-29:42): Diggity Dogs Service Dogs (indogswetrust.org) Positive News (29:53-30:29): Nazeeh’s Positive News