Welcome to Jaws is Shite and Other Regrettable Outbursts.
Join Duncan, Baz, Scott & Liam for drinks and bants discussing some of the weirder news stories of the week on this monthly podcast.
It’s been 3 long months but the lads are back!!
Both Scott and Duncan welcomed new babies into their families while Baz’s kids are ruining his furniture…oh yeah and Liam is on a one man mission to destroy his body before he gets married.
The lads chat kids, kilts, fashion and tiny dongs and welcome a new segment to the show where Baz reviews a Whisky and the lads try to guess what score he’ll give it.
We have listener stories to share with you. You can submit your regrettable stories to regrettablepod@gmail.com.
Then it’s story time with Baz…and its Duncan’s fault for putting Baz on the spot this time!!
It’s all kicking off so make sure you pour yourself a stiff one and settle down to be entertained as the lads talk nonsense for your entertainment.
Join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/regrettablepod
Check out Scott & Liam vs Evil: https://www.scottandliamvsevil.com
Check out The Podcast Under the Stairs: https://tputscast.com/podcast