“Thoughts Beyond Thought” is an unscripted conversation hosted by Travis Meredith and Chris Fogle. This episode kicks off a series on spiritual practices (sometimes called “spiritual disciplines”). Here’s a rundown:
-Chris defines spiritual practices as: “habits you can develop based on your values.”
-In this first episode, the guys discuss the practice of meditation.
-Comparison of Eastern and Christian meditation.
-What mediation’s purpose is and isn’t.
-The four Forms of biblical meditation from Celebration of Discipline: 1. of Scripture (meditatio Scripturarum, meaning: “meditating on Scripture” or lectio divina, meaning: “divine reading”); 2. “Re-collection” or “centering down;” 3. On creation; and 4. Current events.
-Chris adds a fifth Form: On the character of God.
-An epiphany that the mind isn’t emptied if God’s voice fills that emptiness.
-Travis explains how he has worked backwards on meditation and how God’s voice is one of encouragement.
-How meditation can give us a different perspective and optimistic view of humanity.
-And finally, the “Beyond Books” segment.
-The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer, 2019
-Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster, 1978/2018
“Thoughts Beyond Thought” is hosted and produced by Travis Meredith and Chris Fogle, artwork by Erin Meredith, edited by Chris Fogle.