Emily shares her inspiring and moving journey of lifelong learning as a person living with epilepsy. She guides us through her story of being diagnosed with epilepsy at 16 and how it has informed her passion for public health and research. Hear about how Emily’s own experiences inspire her to be a leader and advocate for other youth living with epilepsy, providing critical and support care to teens in transition. In this journey, she recognizes that it is because of, not in spite of, her epilepsy that she is an accomplished researcher and public health expert, and that her experiences critically drive her work to ensure that high-quality care and support networks are accessible and equitable to all. EFNE Programming Segment: Massachusetts Walk to Make Epilepsy History, May 1, 2021 (https://epilepsynewengland.org/events/2021-ma-walk) MA Resource Share: Fenway Health (fenwayhealth.org) NH Resource Share: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Educational Conference, April 10, 2021 (http://go.d-h.org/EpilepsyEducation)