INSIDE OUT is a podcast for people INSIDE prison and their loved-ones on the OUTside. This podcast is streaming on over 800,000 tablets inside prison! Each episode focuses on Hope, Help, Humor. This conversation is with two podcast hosts from two different prison podcasts: Noah Asher and his guest Valerie Cartonio. This is HOSTCEPTION! In this episode of Inside Out, host Noah Asher speaks with Valerie, the creator of the Prison Pod, about the importance of education in reducing recidivism, the significance of connecting with inmates through letters and texts, and the therapeutic benefits of programs involving animals. They discuss the challenges of reentry, the need for support and understanding for those incarcerated, and the impact of their work on the lives of individuals inside and outside of prison. Valerie shares her journey and the motivation behind the Prison Pod, emphasizing the importance of hope and community support.
Valerie Cartonio: https://allmylinks.com/valerie-cartonio769
Prison POD: https://prisonpod.buzzsprout.com/
Reboot Recovery: www.rebootrecovery.com
Manasseh Publishing: www.ManassehBooks.com
Edovo: www.edovo.org
Nucleos: www.nucleos.com
Free Luma Bracelets: www.FreeLumaBracelets.com
Noah Asher: www.TheNoahAsher.com
prison, rehabilitation, recidivism, education, hope, support, letters, podcasts, inmates, mental health, reboot recovery, edovo, Manasseh publishing, nucleos, Free Luma Bracelets, Noah Asher, inside out, rehab, recovery, jail, incarceration