We've inherited a mythology of the American church from the 1800's and grew up experiencing the American church in the 1980's. However, our society and communities have experienced seismic shifts. It is time to reflect on the community service church's primary influences in our personal and communal lives today...and which primary influences have been replaced.
Learn more about the people and organizations featured in this docuseries at www.thefourthchurch.com
Intro music by Sean C. Johnson - find his music on any streaming service or contact him at www.seancjohnson.com
Credits music by The Foolish Things in their 2021 album Outside Looking In - find their music on any streaming service or contact them through their production studio at www.shadyneighborrecords.com
Corey White - https://coreypatrickwhite.com/
Chris Brewster - https://santafesouth.wpcomstaging.com/
Marcus Jackson - https://www.urbanbridge.org/
Scotia Moore - https://www.shilohcamp.org/
also - https://www.loom-woven.com/
Stefan Reed - www.life.church
Phil Brookman - Memorial Road Church of Christ - www.mrcc.org
Kim Bandy - The Spero Project - https://www.thesperoproject.com/
Trevor Cox - https://www3.uco.edu/centraldirectory/profiles/834701
Lance Humphreys - Cultivate - https://www.cultivate.city/