We’re introduced to some of the key figures behind the Stop The Steal movement and the foundation for the madness to come.
To see the full movie, go to https://www.64daysfilm.com/
This episode contains the voices of:
Clint Hickman, Chairman of The Board of Supervisors Of Maricopa County, Arizona
Alex Jones of InfoWars
Alan Feuer, New York Times reporter
Sandeep Prasanna, Investigative Counsel with the January 6th Select Committee.
Jacob Glick, Investigative Counsel with the January 6th Select Committee.
Meghan Conroy, Investigative Counsel with the January 6th Select Committee.
Marcus Childress, Investigative Counsel with the January 6th Select Committee.
Enrique Tarrio, Chairman of the Proud Boys
James Sasso, Investigative Counsel with the January 6th Select Committee.
Tim Heaphy, Chief Investigative Counsel with the January 6th Select Committee.
Rudy Giuliani
Roger Stone