INSIDE OUT is a podcast for people INSIDE prison and their loved-ones on the OUTside. This podcast is streaming on over 800,000 tablets inside prison! Each episode focuses on Hope, Help, Humor.
In this conversation, Krystal L. Scott shares her experiences navigating life with a spouse incarcerated for 21 years. She discusses the challenges of maintaining relationships, the importance of communication, and the role of hope and purpose in reentry. The dialogue emphasizes the need for both those inside and outside the prison system to actively engage in their lives and relationships, fostering connections and personal growth despite the barriers of incarceration.
TAGS: prison, rehabilitation, recidivism, education, hope, support, letters, podcasts, inmates, mental health, reboot recovery, edovo, Manasseh publishing, nucleos, Free Luma Bracelets, Noah Asher, inside out, rehab, recovery, jail, incarceration
Krystal L Scott: www.klsreentryservices.org
Reboot Recovery: www.rebootrecovery.com
Manasseh Publishing: www.ManassehBooks.com
Edovo: www.edovo.org
Nucleos: www.nucleos.com
Free Luma Bracelets: www.FreeLumaBracelets.com
Noah Asher: www.TheNoahAsher.com