Since 2015 Lorraine Corcoran has been heavily involved in Credit Unions through her work delivering the "It makes sense loan" through the personal micro-credit scheme.
Lorraine is currently the chair of the Credit Union Advisory Council (CUAC) where her contributions are invaluable as Credit Unions try to pave a positive way forward.
Having worked with Bank of Ireland for 20 years Lorraine changed her career following the completion of a master's and now focuses on ensuring the corporate world understands and plays its part in the social economy.
Afanite: https://www.afanite.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorrainecorcoran/
It Makes Sense: https://itmakessenseloan.ie/
CUAC: https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/92dc08-credit-union-advisory-committee-cuac/