Erin Miller likes to write poems and essays and email them to her colleagues. She lives in Oakdale with her husband, their two daughters, and their dog Winston. She is a biology teacher who appreciates the places where art and science intersect, and is fascinated by the ways that people learn. She loves to walk and play Mah Jong with her friends, and is going to try again this summer to enjoy gardening. She is hooked on, “The Great British Baking Show,” listens to “You’re Wrong About,” and bakes a consistently good banana bread from time to time.
This week's sponsor: St. Paul Jewish Federation (https://jewishstpaul.org/give)!
MN Mammalehs: Stories from the tribe is an annual show by TC Jewfolk. The show will always be in June and information about the show will always go to our email list first. So go to bit.ly/tcj-newsletter and sign up for our email list to be the first to know about show dates, calls for auditions, cast announcements, and when tickets go on sale.
This week's sponsor: St. Paul Jewish Federation (https://jewishstpaul.org/give)!
MN Mammalehs: Stories from the tribe is an annual show by TC Jewfolk. The show will always be in June and information about the show will always go to our email list first. So go to bit.ly/tcj-newsletter and sign up for our email list to be the first to know about show dates, calls for auditions, cast announcements, and when tickets go on sale.