
  • Your Log, My Splinter

    Luke 6:37-42

    We find it easy to point out the faults of others, but it's often difficult to see anything wrong with ourselves. Other people’s sins always seem much bigger than our own. How do hold others accountable for their actions, while not being hypocrites ourselves? How do we take the speck out of our friend’s eye when we have a log in our own? Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word.

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  • The Hardest Commandment

    Luke 6:27-36

    Sometimes it’s hard to love the people we like, let alone those we don't! If our friends and family can drive us crazy, how can we expect to love people that we don’t want to be around? But Jesus commands us to love in this seemingly impossible way. How can we follow Jesus Christ’s example of loving our enemies? Find out on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.

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  • The Calling of True Humility

    Luke 6:12-26

    Most leaders want a stellar group of followers to represent them and do their bidding. Some gather a group of intellectuals, while others surround themselves with people who are wealthy. Still others find followers with social influence. But who is it that Jesus chose as his apostles? Find out on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.

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  • The Lord of the Sabbath

    Luke 6:1-11

    Do you feel like your life is always in the fast lane? Are you worn out juggling your job, your family, and your other responsibilities? Do you wish you could help others, but are too burnt out or simply don’t have time? Do you find yourself yearning for a space in life where you can rest? Jesus offers a rhythm of life that provides new joy and rest. Find out about this offer on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.

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  • Feast or Famine

    Luke 5:27-39

    Have you ever warned your kids not to hang out with the wrong crowd? The ones who cheat or do drugs or lack good character? We always advise our kids to choose their friends wisely. But did Jesus himself follow these rules when choosing his disciples and friends? Find out who Jesus hung out with and why on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.

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  • Faith Healer

    Luke 5:12-26

    Sin makes us like first century lepers: disfigured, unacceptable both to God and other people, and unable to help even ourselves. The leper in Luke was an outcast. He was considered as good as dead by society, but he still ran to Jesus and cried out for healing. How did Jesus respond to him? How does he respond to us when we turn to him for new life? Find out on Every Last Word with Dr. Philip Ryken.

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  • The Cross of Discipleship

    Luke 9:23-27

    Do you feel comfortable with your life right now? Are all your ducks in a row? Is your life running smoothly and comfortably? Today Dr. Philip Ryken will look at what it means to follow Christ on Every Last Word. The way we live now has huge eternal implications.

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  • Fishers of Men

    Luke 5:1-11

    Have you ever been doing something that you love, but then something else came up that was so important, you gladly dropped everything for it? Well Peter found himself in this exact spot when Jesus came along. He was faced with a decision that could change his life forever. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken shares how he responded to the call of the Lord Jesus Christ on Every Last Word.

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