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Adult ADHD-Focused Couple Therapy TM. Why create a special model for Adult ADHD-challenged couples? Why not just use standard couple therapy?
Great questions. I’ll answer them, at least in part, in this podcast.
· I first explained in 2008 why standard couple therapy is typically unhelpful in my book, Is It You, Me, or Adult ADHD, including a chapter called “Why the Wrong Therapy is Worse Than No Therapy.” This book is as relevant today as it was then.
· My second book is Adult ADHD-Focused Couple Therapy: Clinical Interventions, published in 2016.
· It is the first and only clinical guide presenting a couple-therapy model based on the evidence—that is, a careful and flexible merging of what works for Adult ADHD and what works for couple therapy.
About my co-author: Arthur L. Robin, PhD, has long helped individuals and couples affected by ADHD. His strategies are battle-tested. In his primary occupation, from which he is now retired, he trained psychologists working at a children’s hospital. Both his ADHD expertise and skill as an educator shine through our model’s interventions..
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· Read the original blog post of this podcast here: Q&A with the Experts: Adult ADHD-Focused Couple Therapy - TM
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Gina Pera
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