Pitching is about people.
Yes, yes, you've got a great product...and service...and value proposition.
But f you try to bring it to the people by telling everyone how great you are...you're not pitching. You're gambling.
Don't gamble. Looking to land a job, a client, a second date? Remember these four things...
Segment 01 – Remember that it's not a "moment."
You win most pitches when you understand that it's the exclamation point to a sentence, not the entire sentence. Build likability, trust and rapport FIRST.
Segment 02 – Understand how your audience "buys" and "rejects."
Your pitch isn't about you and your awesome product/service/idea. It's about your audience, and if you don't know them well enough...you won't win often enough.
Segment 03 – Frame your story to trigger your buyer.
What is your pitch about? Careful. Pick the wrong thing, and you can lose. Pick too many things, and you can lose. Much of your sale will come right here,
Segment 04 – Stop making these mistakes.
You're pitching to a real live person – and if you're not thinking about this stuff, you're creating a recipe for disaster.